With the nation trillions of dollars in debt, one can expect the government to look for revenue in any areas that they can find. Charging interest on student loans is a quick way to bring in much needed money, whether it be in the best interest of our society or not. Also, I do believe that schools are inviting towards students. With all the ads and commercials on television and in newspapers these days, colleges are practically begging students to attend their campus. Plus, almost all colleges offer grants or scholarships of some kind, with some even offering full funding for a potential student. While scholarships are based on grades athletic merits, or any other form of achievement, many students still have the opportunity earn this "free money" through hard work. Also, many students choose to attend colleges knowing that they will be forced to apply for loan(s). A simply solution to avoiding loans is to simply narrow your field of colleges to those that fit your budget.
I feel that with the economy the way it is that the government is basically tempted to raise interest on student loans, but they aren't entirely at fault for student debts. If one was to responsibly manage their financial accounts and overstep their financial bounds by attending a modest school, debts really won't be as big of a deal.
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