Friday, September 20, 2013

More Trouble in "Paradise"?

Once again, the White House is engaged in a tug-of-war. However, thankfully this issue centers on internal affairs here at home. As reported in a nice little article posted by USA Today, the House of Representatives has passed through a stopgap spending bill that will be responsible for funding the national government almost until the end of the year. So what, you might ask? Well, it's worth the read because the House of Representatives is controlled by Republicans, while the bill in question includes a provision that will defund the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). This bill may have passed the House on a vote of 230-189, but it is extremely unlikely to get through the Democratic Senate. If by some miracle that happened, Obama would quickly veto the bill, as Obamacare is the cornerstone of his tenure. The problem with this impending stalemate in Congress is that if no resolution can be met by September 30th, the government will shut down October 1st. While not catastrophic, it would still slow agency operations and close national museums and parks. This is a fascinating article because it really underlines the ongoing power struggle between the two parties, which according to this article may indeed be coming to a boiling point.